I am absolutely delighted to once again be organising a fun little community get together to celebrate the wonderful and current Jurassic World video game title – Jurassic World Evolution.
Our last community get together was an absolute blast. I got to hang out with some cool people, made some amazing new friends, and really enjoyed getting to spend the day with a group of people who loved dinosaurs so much. There was a real positive energy throughout the day, and I want to thank everyone who came along and made the day what it was. I also cannot thank enough the team at Frontier for their continual support and encouragement (Bo, Steggs, Brendon, James, Nick and others – you’re all amazing!).
One big element of our last meetup was timings. I know that many people couldn’t make it due to it being a weekday, and whilst that opened more possibilities for special events and things, it also restricted the number of people who had the chance to come and hang out, and I wanted to change that.
So, for our next meetup, we will be meeting on Saturday the 26th of October.
I’m planning on something a lot more relaxed this time. Last time I put a lot of time and effort into making a special first event – and that meant I sank a lot of my own money into things like goody bags. So, this time around, I am going for something a lot more casual which will hopefully still deliver a fun event – but will also make it easier for me to organise with ever impending pressures from other factors like work.
The plan is simple. Hang out at London’s Natural History Museum from 10am till 1pm, and then head out to Sydenham, to visit the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs. This is a two-stage journey, so we will get the train back to Victoria and then travel out to Crystal Palace. From here, we can then descend into a pub, and maybe look at structuring something like a quiz themed around Jurassic Park again. I promise the quiz will be better this time!
I appreciate it’s a step-down from our last meetup, but I hope it will be a lot of fun for anyone who wants to come down. I am also continuing to work closely with the awesome Doctor Button from the NHM, so there may be more weekday special events soon.
For now, if you’d like to come and hang out, click the link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxfr8U2R4mhkdlJWYfxdli5gGVCGhJ9RHdyAvdIl3YqmYHJg/viewform?usp=sf_link
I really hope I see you on the 26th.