SEASON TWO TRAILER | Jurassic World: Chaos Theory

A new trailer for Season 2 of Jurassic World Chaos Theory has arrived – and it is pack-full of some interesting details which we are going to dive into. Be warned if you haven’t watched Season 1 as this trailer spoils one of the key mysteries present in the first season!

As the trailer reveals – Brooklynn is alive and well, and is working with the group ‘Dinosaur Liberation Now’ in the upcoming series – perhaps not too dis-similar from the Extinction Now group we saw in the marketing for Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. The tone of this group certainly has a hacktivist vibe to it, so I’m interested to see how this story thread plays out throughout the season.

The next thing we have revealed is a new area – with the kids noting that ‘there’s dinosaurs here’, implying that this is an unexpected sight wherever they may be. Jurassic World Rebirth has teased a return to a mysterious island, but I don’t think that is what we’re seeing here. I think that this is much more likely to be another continent, as alluded to in some of the toy reveals we have seen, painting a picture of a world where dinosaurs have crossed the oceans.

 A key plot thread here is implied to be the fact that ‘The Broker’ is not only tracking the kids in the second season, but also creating their own dinosaurs – something which makes a lot of sense in a world where dinosaur technology has been unleashed on the masses. I do enjoy the fact that one shot here screams ‘John Sayles JP4’ to me, with something which could potentially be a dinosaur pit visible.

Lastly, we have the tension between the group as it appears that Ben discovers that Brooklynn is alive but chooses not to share this with the group – causing tension between him and Kenji. Whilst I am sure this will likely play out once they are reunited and become one group again, it is interesting to see another personal conflict brewing between our Nublar Six.

 Overall, Season 2 of Chaos Theory looks set to plunge us into another mysterious and engaging series of dinosaur action. There are new characters, new dinosaurs and seemingly a new and mysterious location to uncover – and I can’t wait to dive into it all on October 17th.

 Stay tuned to The Jurassic Park Podcast for plenty more coverage on Jurassic World Chaos Theory Season 2 once the series releases.


Written by: Tom Jurassic