The Jurassic Park Community is full of wonderful people. I have experienced that first hand for years as host of The Jurassic Park Podcast. You’ve been here side by side with me as this podcast has grown far beyond my wildest expectations. You’ve shown how generous you can be during our live streams on YouTube, with your lovely reviews of the podcast, or with your personal feedback over our past 5 years of our existence. I need you all right now, but more importantly, Black lives need your help. We are at an extremely pivotal time in America, where I KNOW our community can help make a difference.
BLACK LIVES MATTER. I believe in the cause, the movement and the equality of Black lives in our country and around the world. The injustice is real and racism needs to end.
Jurassic Gives Back - we need to. Let’s come together and DONATE to a worthy cause, because BLACK LIVES MATTER. In order to help, we will be starting a donation drive for Jurassic June this year. We will be collecting donations for Color of Change. The nonprofit organization works to bring justice to law enforcement, voter suppression, media reporting, racism and much more. Please feel free to click through to their site and also find more information about them below.
“Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization.
We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by 1.7 million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America.
Our campaigns and initiatives win changes that matter. By designing strategies powerful enough to fight racism and injustice—in politics and culture, in the work place and the economy, in criminal justice and community life, and wherever they exist—we are changing both the written and unwritten rules of society. We mobilize our members to end practices and systems that unfairly hold Black people back, and champion solutions that move us all forward.”
With your donations, we will do our part to give back to you! Below, you will see two prize packs full of Jurassic items (artwork, toys, etc…) that could be yours by donating $5.00 or more. We will be picking two prize pack winners. If you donate $10 or more, we will enter into the chance to join us in an upcoming episode of The Jurassic Wire. We will be picking one podcast guest winner. So while you will be donating to a wonderful cause, you will have the chance at some cool Jurassic merch!
In order to enter, you can either scan the Venmo code via the Venmo app or use the Paypal link. Please feel free to submit any amount. Remember, any $5.00 or more donation enters you into the prize packs and any $10.00 or more donation enters you into the chance to be on the podcast! The drive will continue throughout Jurassic June and the winners will be picked in July!
All money donated will be sent to Color of Change at the end of the donation period.
Please be sure to join us for an introduction to the donation drive on YouTube. We will also be live streaming to discuss a ton of recent Jurassic topics that have popped up over the past few weeks. Please join us, discuss Jurassic, donate and be a part of something better. We need it.
If you have items you wish to donate to the prize packs, please feel free to contact me directly. Same for any questions about the donations. Please feel free to contact me at any point. Be safe and be kind.
** You must be 18 years or older to join us on the podcast. We will send the prize packs to those under 18 with the parent’s consent. **