Jurassic June is coming to a close - and it has been an incredible month filled with lots of content around the Jurassic Community. We wanted to take a moment to highlight some more pieces of content which we have loved throughout the month as we look ahead to the future beyond Jurassic June.
Welcome…to Jurassic June. The month is already off to a fantastic start with lots of fantastic content shared already across the Community. More after the jump…
As Jurassic fans, we all have that one piece of memorabilia we remember – whether it be the Bull T-Rex, the Jurassic Park Visitor Center Playset, or a game like Operation Genesis. But for some fans, the desire to own a certain piece of memorabilia enters a whole new level - More after the jump...
This is the first installment of the Jurassic Park Community Focus series, featuring community work that deserves a spotlight! Stay tuned for more installments as the amazing members of this community continue to produce great content.