Battle At Big Rock has undoubtedly followed an interesting path to release. From leaks, to toys, to games and more, the Jurassic World short film has seen it’s fair share of excitement and despair from the fans before it’s release.
After it’s release, I found it interesting how so few were hyping up the short film. Colin Trevorrow, the director, did his fair share of promoting - announcing the short via a few tweets, interviewing with Collider at Abbey Road Studios in London and his appearance at the London Podcast Festival, previewing the short for attendees at Empire Podcast’s live show. Outside of that, that was it. For something that was leaked back in February, I found it slightly odd.
Well, following the release, I was quickly proven wrong by the general public, celebrities tweeting out their support and this incredible Jurassic Park fan community. We all came through with the support.
The Support
Following the short’s official debut on the FX Network, Battle At Big Rock debuted online, along with the support of franchise stars and other celebrities.
The Good
A majority of the reactions have been extremely positive for Battle At Big Rock. After 6862 votes over on our Twitter Poll, 80% of people “Loved it!”.
The Lost Returning?
It’s no surprise that people have hopped off the Jurassic train after the new series of films, but something about Battle At Big Rock may be bringing people back.
The Bad
Of course, as the Twitter Poll showed, there are those that dislike the short film. It may be a minority, but those who dislike Battle At Big Rock need to be heard too.
The Dead?
Now, this is something I am fairly new to seeing - Is this franchise dead?
I think we can mostly agree here that the Jurassic franchise is far from dead. The two new major releases, Jurassic World and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, have made nearly 3 billion dollars at the worldwide box office, so that is confirmation enough. Battle At Big Rock has already excelled beyond what we could have hoped. The YouTube edition of the short film is closing in on 2 million views as I’m typing this, so yea, they are killing it.