Jurassic World Rebirth looks set to be the title of Jurassic Park 7

Amblin Entertainment yesterday filed several new trademarks for the Jurassic brand under the title of ‘Jurassic World Rebirth’ – suggesting that fans may have their first taste of the brand-new seventh instalment in the franchise which is set to release in cinemas in July of next year.

Thanks to our friend at Jurassic Outpost, Josh, we can confirm that Amblin Entertainment have filed several trademarks under the name – including for multimedia products, physical merchandise products, clothing, soaps and beauty products, toys and action figures, food products and more.

An example of one of these listings can be seen below:

This listing is much more extensive than the listings seen for standalone product lines in the past. The breadth and depth of products listed through these various applications all but confirm that Jurassic World Rebirth is the title of the seventh entry in the Jurassic franchise.

 Interestingly, it appears that the ‘Jurassic World’ brand is still very much alive – something which I am personally very happy with. The concept of a world filled with dinosaurs is filled with rich potential for meaningful storytelling and engaging new entries in the franchise, so I think it makes sense to stick with the overarching title and build on it in subtitles and standalone entries. I also think it is important to note that Universal have invested significant time and resource into establishing ‘Jurassic World’ as a household name – something which they will likely want to maintain moving forwards.

We know that Jurassic World 4 has been shooting in Thailand recently, and is currently in the throes of completing a shoot in Malta – with subsequent filming in the United Kingdom due to wrap up the production at the end of the year. With relatively little still known about this title, it’s fair to say that we wait, with baited breath, for the first news on the production – which we would anticipate being shared a little later this year.

Are you excited for Jurassic World Rebirth? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and stay tuned to The Jurassic Park Podcast for plenty of discussion about the new film.

This article was written on information which is publicly available at uspto.report – found here: https://uspto.report/company/Amblin-Entertainment-Inc.


Written by:
Tom Jurassic