VOTD: The Crystal Palace Dinosaurs Need Your HELP!

In today’s video, we are super excited to be talking about the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs!

The Crystal Palace dinosaurs were the first models of life-size dinosaurs ever created in the world. They were unveiled in 1854 as part of the Crystal Palace Exhibition, and are believed to be some of the most historically accurate models in the world. Rated at Grade 1, the sculptures have the same heritage value in the United Kingdom as somewhere like Buckingham palace.

We are talking about the dinosaurs today because a big fundraiser is underway to make them more accessible for all interested. Watch the video to learn more, and then come back here and click the link to support the project.

Big thanks to The Mayfairy blog – provided a lot of insightful information! Check out their piece on the dinosaurs here.


Written by:
Tom Fishenden